Newsroom Reflects on COVID-19
The Gator staff share what they are grateful for a year into the pandemic.

A lot has changed in the year since the pandemic began, especially when it comes to School. Students learned remotely following spring break last year, and although students have been on-campus this school year, in-person learning looks different than in years past.
The past year has been trying, but there is still reason to be grateful and hopeful. In this regard, The Gator staff wanted to share what they are appreciative of during this historic time.
"I am thankful that the School has put so much time and effort into ensuring each student has a learning model that works for them. We should all be grateful for the tremendous effort and commitment our teachers have demonstrated this year. Thank you to teachers for everything you do." —Karly Hamilton
"I am grateful to have the opportunity through The Gator to document such a historic year for the School. Additionally, it is a great privilege to learn on campus and have the support of so many incredible teachers and mentors throughout this difficult year." —Edan Zinn
"This year I am grateful for all the work that my teachers are putting in. They spend each day planning new activities that will work for their hybrid classes and dealing with Zoom issues. I especially appreciate Mr. Cutler for helping me with my articles for The Gator. Thank you teachers!!" —Zoe Kaplan
"I am most grateful for how supportive Brimmer has been this year. They offer so many chances to reach out for help whenever students need it." —Sophia Spring
"I’m very thankful to have the opportunity to come in person to school almost every day. It helps to act as an anchor for my normal life which would in any other circumstance be in complete disarray right now. Even though there are still a lot of restrictions, it’s just nice to have some semblance of normalcy." —Brian Gamble
"I'm really grateful that I had the option to be on campus this year. Despite the fact we have to be distanced all the time and adjust to all these new measures, I'm really glad I get to see people and talk to my friends. Seeing people everyday and being able to talk and interact with them has really helped me." —Grace Papas
"I’m really grateful that Brimmer has found away to keep us both safe and happy in these times. I really appreciate how much work they put into rearranging the school to make sure those who wanted to could stay in-person could do so comfortably. They’ve also been able to keep us connected, and I’m so grateful to be in a place that values the community so much." —Marlie Kass
"One thing I am grateful for this year is being on campus. After half of last year being remote, it’s really nice to be in person with friends and teachers. I enjoy being in person because it’s much easier to learn and connect with people." —Kate Hirschen
"I am grateful to be able to go to school in person this year. I feel lucky I have access to such a great community who welcomed me in during these tough times with open arms." —Evan Michaeli
"I’ve been really grateful for being able to stay home when I need to. I think that’s been very beneficial for a lot of people." —Charles McLaughlin
"I’m grateful that the teachers and the faculty worked to have everyone back at school this year, despite the harsh conditions." —Michael Young
"I appreciate being on campus because it's a lot easier to focus in class and I get to see my classmates and teachers." —Kolja Westhues

Karly Hamilton '21.
Karly Hamilton '21.

Brian Gamble '23.
Brian Gamble '23.

Marlie Kass '23.
Marlie Kass '23.

Charles McLaughlin '22.
Charles McLaughlin '22.